Welcome to NC! Landscape tips for the Tar Heel state

Welcome to NC! Landscape tips for the Tar Heel state

By Misty Gil, Posted in Feature Stories
July 10, 2024

New businesses and residents have flocked to North Carolina over the past five years. Nearly 4.2 million households and businesses changed their postal address to the Tar Heel state. With our beaches and mountains just hours away from anywhere in the state, we think coming here was a good call! As you settle into your new home, here are some landscape tips to help you navigate and make the most of the unique climate and environment in the region:

Understand the Climate: Central North Carolina experiences a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters. Be mindful of the temperature variations and plan your landscape accordingly. Take advantage of the seasonality of North Carolina. Plan for vibrant blooms in spring, the lush growth of summer, the changing foliage in fall, and the dormant period in winter. This understanding allows you to create a landscape that remains visually appealing year-round.

Choose Native Plants: Opt for plants native to the region, as they are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions. Native plants are often more resilient and require less maintenance and water. 


Watering Schedule: Establish a consistent watering schedule for your plants, especially during the hot summer months. Early morning or late afternoon is the best time to water to minimize evaporation.

Soil Testing: Conduct a soil test to understand the composition of your soil.  North Carolina soils can vary from sandy to loamy to clay in short distances. Getting a soil test helps determine the right plant amendments and fertilizers.

Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around your plants to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Pine straw is a popular choice in the region. Due to North Carolina not having snow-covered winters often, mulching in the winter months is ideal to ensure your beds are ready for a quick onset of spring. 


Lawn Care: If you have a lawn, choose warm-season grass varieties like Bermuda or Zoysia for optimal performance. These grasses do not need irrigation as regularly after they are established.  Regular mowing and proper fertilization are essential for a healthy lawn.

Dealing with Pests: North Carolina is home to huge deer populations. Deterrents only work for a short period of time typically. The best solution for deer is to plant deer-resistant plants. Yews, inkeberries, and loropetalum are great shrubs that deer seldom bother. 

Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with any local regulations or guidelines related to landscaping, especially if you have plans for major changes or additions to your outdoor space.

Community Engagement: Connect with local gardening clubs or community groups. They can provide valuable insights into gardening practices specific to the region and may even share plants or tips.


By incorporating these tips into your landscaping endeavors, you'll be well on your way to creating a beautiful and thriving outdoor space in North Carolina. Enjoy your new home and the gardening adventures that come with it!